
Singapore Birds Project Booth at NTU!

Earthlink NTU’s Biodiversity Week 2023 Exhibition kickstarted last week on 20 March, where the various biodiversity and conservation efforts of Singapore were highlighted. We were warmly invited to be part of the event, and unlike 2022 where we could only contribute through standalone exhibits due to pandemic restrictions, we were able to have in-person booths this year! We had the chance to chat with participants about the avian diversity in Singapore and NTU, as well as the local threats the birds face such as habitat modification and building collisions.

Thanks Earthlink for organising this event, as well as to everyone who dropped by our booth! We hope that you managed to learn a new thing or two about the cool birds we have in Singapore. For those of you who we did not have a chance to meet, don’t worry, our posters will still be up at Sky deck @ North Spine until 30 March. Enjoy 🙂

3 Comments on “Singapore Birds Project Booth at NTU!”

  • Matthew Teo


    Q: Will the above project be repeated? or may other interest groups access them for use at their functions to spread interest and educate our community?


    • raghavnarayanswamy


      Hi, so sorry for the late reply! Thanks for reaching out. We hope to have more such booths, possibly catering to different kinds of audiences too, in future. The details will always be posted on our Facebook page ( in advance.


      • Matthew Teo


        Thank you for your kind response.


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