Our team has partnered with several organisations in Singapore to hold talks and guided walks, as well as our very own Raptor Watch booth at Henderson Waves. Please reach out if you would like to learn more about our events or discuss potential collaborations.

Raptor Watch at Henderson Waves
Thousands of migratory birds of prey migrate through Singapore every year from September to December. There are over 35 different species, sometimes making for a real identification challenge. At our Raptor Watch event in 2022 and 2023, each held for three Sundays in October and November, we shared tips on spotting and identifying raptors. Join us again this year!

How does one name a bird? Why do introduced birds affect our ecosystem? How does keeping a database of bird records benefit science and conservation? These are among the topics discussed by our members in their talks, with much more to come!

Guided Walks
The best way to pick up an interest in birds is to start looking! Our guided walks are suitable for all age groups and skill levels and a great way to learn more about birds.

Our pop-up booths are a great opportunity to talk birds and birding, and a great way to explore (dead) birds up close!